Jesus is Lord

Many of us affirm that Jesus is Lord. He is truly Lord of all of the Universe. The only question that each of us must answer is this, "Is Jesus Lord of your life?" He is either Lord of all, or not Lord, at all. That is the definition of Lord. He is in control, or He is not Lord.

I know that is hard for many folks who have been raised on watered down religion. However, if you read the Bible and let Jesus speak for Himself, you will find this to be true.

Therefore, if you follow your mind, instead of Jesus, He is not Lord of your life. If you allow your feelings to control your life, He is not Lord. If your will dictates what you will do, but not Jesus, He is not Lord. If you go by what your body says, so that you do not follow His commands, He is not Lord. We need to learn this truth and put away our cultural Christianity. He is Lord, and the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the One and Only.

Just think of how different your life would be if Jesus was in charge. Then, do it. Let Him be Lord and see what happens. It won't be easy, but it will be wonderful.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 49-51.

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