The Newness of Life - Psalms 63-65 and Romans 6

It is so evident from the psalms of David that his life was completely different from his enemies. David loved to rise early in the morning and seek the Lord. His soul thirsted after God. He loved to go to the Temple to worship. Even late at night he would lie on his bed and meditate on the Lord. When he had a problem with his enemies speaking badly against him and attacking him, he took it to the Lord, not into his own hands. The difference in David's life was his faith in God and his salvation. God had forgiven his sin and given him eternal life, which is a different quality of life on earth. David could look around him and see all of the work of God and the blessings of God. His enemies did not see those things, because they were dead in their sins. What is the state of your life, today? Are you experiencing the newness of life, or is your life drab and dead.

Paul explains the newness of life in Romans 6. It comes from being raised up like Christ was raised from the dead. It comes by trusting Christ, and then the old man dies. Jesus gives us a new life to live for Him. After that day, we are to give ourselves totally to Him, every part of our bodies and our whole selves. We want to do that because we have new hearts, and our desires are different. That is what it means to walk in the newness of life. It is not a put on. It is the reality of every real Christian. Our want to has been changed. We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are slaves to righteousness, since we have given ourselves to the Lord. When we became His child, He changed our hearts to love the things that He loves. I pray that you know the joy and contentment of living in the newness of life each day.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 66-67 and Romans 7.

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