Growing through Afflictions

 Most of us don't like any pain or discomfort of any kind. We resent anything or anyone who makes our lives more difficult. We think if things are easy and go smoothly that is the best. However,  the opposite can really be what is best for us.

God told the children of Israel they were going to grow in number while in Egypt. Then, the Egyptians enslaved them with rigorous labor. (Exodus 1:12) But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And the Egyptians were in dread of them. They grew more through the afflictions, and we can, too.

When I do my physical workouts, I try to exert myself, so I have some pain in the process. My motto is "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger." I believe that is true for all of life. When we have to work harder, we develop strength and  character even more.

Therefore, we should not get upset when things are hard and we have pain. It should cause us to depend on God more, pray without ceasing, and walk in the Spirit so we get more growth in God's way. In fact, He sends the trials on us sometimes to make us stronger. He does it in love, and we should be grateful for our growth through the trials.


Tomorrow,  I intend to read Exodus 3-5.

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