What should We Value Most?

 Many people put all of their time and effort into making as much money as they can possibly make. They neglect their family, their friends, and their health just to make a few more dollars. Others value their happiness the most. They simply want to be able to spend as much time as possible doing whatever makes them happy. However, both of these pursuits are relatively worthless when we come to the edge of eternity.

Jesus gave all of us a lot of challenging statements and questions to consider. Two of His questions are especially important in addressing this issue. (Matthew 16:26) Jesus asked, "For what good will it do a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in exchange for his soul? Let's take a moment to consider these questions.

Our soul is who we are as a person. It is our inner being, and it lives on eternally once are are conceived. We have free will to choose what will happen to our soul once we die. If we spend all of our time focused on material things or happiness in this life, and we neglect the spiritual things, we could die without having our soul secured for eternity by the blood of Jesus.

When we come to the end of our life, there is nothing we could have gained in this world that we could give to secure our soul. No amount of money can pay for our sins. Only the precious blood of the God/Man, Jesus, could pay for our sins. He did that for us, and He rose again to show us He can save our soul. We have to focus on Him, repent of our sins, trust Him as Savior and Lord, so our soul will be cleansed and ready for heaven. That is the only way to a blessed eternity.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 18-20.

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