
 Rest is one thing we all need, but most of us don't get enough of it. God designed the human body and mind to need rest. That is why we sleep at night, when He turns off the light of the sun. It is also why He gave us the Sabbath to rest and worship. However, often we still don't get a sufficient rest to restore us, body, soul, and spirit.

Jesus told us the key to getting the rest that we really need. (Matthew 11:28)  He said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." We can't get the right kind of rest on our own. We need the rest that Jesus, the One who created us and knows us, can give us. Most people don't think of relying on the rest that Jesus gives.

It is one thing to get physically tired from working. Then, we simply need to take a break or a nap to be refreshed. The real tiredness comes when our soul gets tired. Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. Jesus is the One who knows how to bring peace and rest to our mind when we are burned out from all of the details we have had to read and to consider. When we go to Him in prayer, we can give Him our stress, and He can clear our mind from the things we don't need dwell upon.

Also, our emotions are a cause of stress, so we need to go to Jesus, and let Him give us the calmness and serenity that He can give us. When He gives us joy and love, it makes everything so much better. Also, we need rest for our will, since we make so many decisions. Sometimes we make the right decisions and sometimes we don't. Jesus can give us rest by showing us His wisdom to make the right choices and to correct our errors. Now, that is the real, satisfying rest that we all need.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 12-14.

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