What Kind of Man is This?

Every once in a while we see a person who simply amazes us by what he or she can do. Sometimes it is a very strong or athletic person who can do things we would never dream possible. Other times, we might see a very intelligent person and marvel at what they know, and how they can solve complex problems. However, there is one person who stands far above all of the rest in every area.

When the disciples saw Jesus heal the sick, they were amazed, but when He stilled the storm, they were overwhelmed by His ability. (Matthew 8:27) The disciples were amazed, and said, "What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the seas obey Him?" Just think about that. How would you answer someone who asked you that question about Jesus? It is important for all of us to know.

First of all, Jesus was a human being just like me and you. He was born, He grew up normally, and He became an adult. The only difference is that He never sinned. He was tempted like us in every way, but never gave in to the temptation. Also, Jesus never ceased being God. He was both God and Man, united in one man. He is the only person ever who was this combination of humanity and deity.

This is what enables Him to love us like no other, since He can relate to us. He is the One who can heal us by the power of the Father. He can do anything, except the wrong thing. Therefore, He is the kind of man we can trust with anything in our life. He died for our sins, so we can trust Him as Lord, and ask Him to forgive our sins. We can trust Him with any situation that He can work a miracle. He is a Man who can do anything that is the will of God.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 9-11.  

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