God's Requirements for Believers

We all have requirements that we are expected to fulfill for each different role we play and each relationship we have in life. If we are a member of a service club or a community group, there will be things that we are expected to do. Of course, this is especially true when we have a job. However, when we become a Christian, we have requirements that God has for us, and they are the most important things for us to do.

Micah gave us a great summary of these. (Micah 6:8) He told the people of God that the Lord had told them what is good and what is required of them: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their God. Even though that was in the Old Covenant, these are still God's requirements for believers today.

God has given us His Word, the Bible, for a reason. It contains all we need to know and to do to be in a right relationship with Him by salvation and in our every day lives. His requirements there are not hard to understand. He expects us to do them and thus do what is right, all the time. When it comes to other people, we are to love mercy, so that we treat others as we want to be treated or better.

The main thing God requires of us, as believers is that we humbly walk with Him every day. This means that we realize we can do nothing without Him, that He is all-powerful and we are weak, and that we must depend of Him for the power and direction for all we do. This is a daily relationship with the Lord that looks to Him in every way.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Micah 7 and Nahum 1-2.  

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