The Secret of Being Content

 I have found that some people are never content. Some of us can find something to be dissatisfied about in whatever happens or whatever we have. This is a serious problem of the heart. God doesn't mean for us to have to have everything go perfectly well and for us to have to have all we need all the time to be in a positive frame of mind. Instead, God expects us to be content with what we have. When we are content, our life is much better. That is what Paul learned from all of the trials of his ministry. (Philippians 4:12) He knew how to make do with a little, and how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances he had learned the secret of being content. He was content when he was well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. All Christians need to learn what Paul had learned. It will help us so much every day.

When we are able to have a positive outlook on life, things go better. We are more energetic, and we do not get down or discouraged. Contentment is necessary for us to remain in the positive frame of mind. We must decide to be content. How can we do that? It is when we realize that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) Christ can give us stamina and joy even when we are hungry. Jesus can fill us with peace, even when we don't have enough money or other things. This happens when we trust Him in everything, and we find out that as we trust Him, He supplies what we need, not what we want. He shows us that what we need is always enough for us to be satisficed. It all depends on whether we are trusting Him or if we are trusting in ourselves and the material things of this world. Always remember that Jesus can and will supply all our needs as we trust Him, so if He doesn't supply it, we don't need it. We simply need to wait for Him to show us the way and to supply our needs in His way.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Colossians 1-3. 

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