Our New Life in Christ
The Christian life is a great mystery in some ways. It is not just living out the philosophy of Jesus. It is not being a member of an organization, the church. It is a brand new life. We are not just the flesh and blood person we were before we were saved from our sins. We have life given to us as a gift, and that life is supernatural. We are given this new life so we can live forever with the Lord from the time of salvation and have a special fellowship with Him. How can this be? Paul explained it well. (Galatians 2:20) We have been crucified with Jesus, the One who died for our sins and rose again. However, it was our old man who was crucified with Him, so our old self no longer lives. Now, Christ lives in us. Now, we live by faith in Jesus, God's Son, who loved us and gave Himself for us. That perfectly describes how we have new life in Christ.
Jesus took on a physical body, so He could die for our sins. He shed His blood to be the payment for our sins. He did not die and rise again, just to forgive our sins, but to have a close personal relationship with us. He wanted to come live within us 24/7 365. Then, we could have access to Him by living by faith in Him in everything we do. He did this because he loved us so much. Therefore, I would ask all of us to examine our lives. Are we dead to the old person we were? Does Christ live in us? Are we living by faith in Him, knowing He loves us and gave Himself for us? If those things are not true, we are not really living the Christian life as God designed it to be. We might not really be a Christian, or we might be missing out on the full new life we have in Christ. That is why we need to stop and do an inventory of who we are and how we are living our life each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Galatians 3-5.