The Anointing

God is so good to give us what we need to accomplish His will for our lives. In the Old Testament times God gave a special anointing of the Holy Spirit to prophets, priests, and kings, since the Holy Spirit did not dwell in all believers then. In each case they would be anointed with oil, and the oil was a symbol of the Holy Spirit. They would not just put a little bit on their forehead, but they would pour oil on their head, so it would show the Spirit was abundantly with them. This is what happened with Jehu when he became king of Israel. (II Kings 9:6) Jehu went into the house with the young prophet. Then, the prophet poured oil on his head. Then, he told Jehu the reason he anointed him. He was anointed king over the Lord's people Israel. That anointing gave him all he needed to be the king God wanted him to be and to be successful in doing all of God's will. It is much the same for all believers today, only better.

Now, all Christians receive the Holy Spirit when we are saved form our sins by coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then, the Holy Spirit is with us forever to empower us and guide us to do God's will and to become like Jesus. Therefore, we all, as believers, have the anointing now. That anointing of the Spirit teaches us, so we don't need a teacher to show us right and wrong. (I John 2:27) Also, the Spirit is our earnest for our inheritance in heaven. He is God's down payment for us to be sure of our eternal salvation and reservations in heaven. Therefore, as we walk in the Spirit, allowing Him to fill us and direct us, we have all we need to carry out whatever ministry the Lord has for us. We have no excuses. The only thing that can stop us is our disobedience. I pray we will all thank God for His anointing and allow the Spirit to do His good work in us every day.


Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 10-13.

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