Personal Responsibility

 When I was in school, I really disliked for the teacher to punish the whole class for what just one person did wrong. It did not seem fair to me. It still doesn't seem fair. God doesn't think it is fair, either. He made it plain to Ezekiel that each of us is responsible for our own actions. (Ezekiel 18:20) In Israel the son would be punished for the father's sin, and the father would be punished for the son's sin. However, God changed all of that. He made it very clear that the person who sins will die, not anyone else. The son would not be punished for the father's sin or vis versa. In fact, the righteousness of the righteous would be on himself, and the wickedness of the wicked would be upon himself. Aren't we all glad for the fairness of God? It makes it clear that God will hold each of us personally responsible for our words and actions, no matter what.

People today find it hard to take personal responsibility for their actions. There has been so much talk about people being victims of poverty, dysfunctional families, and other injustices that people feel like they have an excuse for their actions. They can't help doing what they do or not doing what they don't do, is what they claim. God doesn't look at it this way. This is the world's way of escaping the reality that God holds us responsible, no matter what has happened to us or is happening to us. His Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgment, so we have no excuse when we fail to do His will. We bear all of our own sins. Of course, that is why Jesus gave His life for us and rose again. We can have our sins forgiven as a free gift, when we turn from our sins and trust Him as our Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord! Also, after our salvation, God has made it to where we can confess our sins to Him, and He will cleanse us from the effects of those sins upon our relationship with Him. Even with those provisions by our Gracious Lord, we are still responsible for every sin we commit, and we are still personally the only one who can turn to Him for salvation or in confession.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 19-21.

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