Manifesting God's Holiness

God loves everyone in the world. He does not favor one culture or one country. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. It was His love for all people that led Him to make that great sacrifice. Now, God wants the world to see Him and to put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. What is His plan for this to happen? God's plan begins with His people manifesting His holiness in the sight of all the nations, the people groups in the world. (Ezekiel 28:25) God told Ezekiel that when He would regather the people of Israel from all of the peoples where they hade been scattered, and when He had manifested His holiness in them, then, they would dwell in the Lord He gave Jacob. That actually happened after the exile of His people in Babylon. It needs to happen in us today.

People need to hear the Good News that Jesus saves, but first they need to see that Jesus has saved us by how we live. The gospel doesn't impact people around us as much as it should until they see Jesus in us. Once we know Jesus as Lord and Savior, it is God's purpose to make us like Jesus. We can't live that way in our own power, but God will manifest that holiness in us by the power of the Spirit. He will enable us to do the right things and to stay away from the wrong things. We will be set apart for His service. When others see this, they will be amazed at the power of God, and they will be drawn to Him. They will see the effects of the gospel, and they will be more quick to hear the Good News we have to tell them.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 30-32.

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