The Generous

 There are a lot of paradoxes in God's wisdom. A paradox is a statement that would appear to be contradictory, but it is turns out to be true. We see these paradoxes, and some of them confuse us, because God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. God's way of acting is so much higher than what we do that there is no comparison. He is all-powerful, so He can always make things work out His way. One such paradox with the Lord is in the area of generosity. (Proverbs 11:25) The generous person will be prosperous. God will make sure that the person who gives will get more and the one who waters will be watered. That is how God's economy works.

Most of us think that the more we save the more we will have. That is not the case. All we have is God's money, and He loans it to us, so we can manage or steward it for Him. God loves to bless people who have needs. Therefore, when we use His money to help anyone in need, God sees that we are using His money as He would. Then, He gives us more so we can do the same again. In fact, He gives us more than ever, because He wants to show us how He loves generosity. God loves for things to grow, not just plants, but people and relationships. Therefore, when we water those things by spending our time and energy cultivating them, we will be watered, also. We will not run dry because of giving our time and energy. We will have more energy to do God's will than ever. Those are two examples of why it always pays us to be generous. I pray we will all learn this vital lesson, so we can be a blessing to others and even receive a blessing back to us, when we do it from an unselfish heart of love.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 12-15.

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