Frustrated or Successful?

 We make a lot of plans in our lives. Some are very successful, while others are frustrated. Wouldn't it be so much better if all of our plans went smoothly and ended in success? Just today, I had an example of this in my life. I had made a plan, but I had failed to do what I needed to do to get it to succeed. Therefore, my plans were frustrated. God inspired Solomon to tell us how to keep this from happening. The key to having our plans be successful is to have many counselors help us make the plans before we start to work the plans. It just makes sense, but how often do we fail at this point. That is why we feel so many frustrations.

I have found that I know less about most things than I think I do. The older I get, the more I realize that I don't know, even though, I am always learning. Even in areas where I have some good knowledge, I have blind spots. All of that is why we all need to consult wise people before we make our plans. Of course, at the top of the list is to consult with the Lord first. Then, we can wisely choose our human counselors. Once we have collected all of the facts and insights from all of these sources, then, we make our plans. If we do this every time, our lives will be less frustrated and more successful, with less stress and more satisfaction. I pray we will all learn this valuable lesson and practice it.


Tomorrow, I Intend to read Proverbs 16-19.

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