Do Justice to the Afflicted and Destitute

 One of the common themes that runs through the entire Bible is making sure justice is done on the earth, as much as we can as humans. It is a never ending job. There is so much sin in the world that people are constantly being hurt, and others are taking advantage of people. God hates this when He sees it. He calls on us as His people to work for justice in all areas of our society. This should especially happen well in America, since we say that we have "liberty and justice for all." The psalmist made it very plain what God was looking for His people, Israel, to do. (Psalm 82:3,4) We need to listen to this very closely, because God has not changed His mind on any of these issues since this was inspired for us.

Christians must work to see that the weak and fatherless are vindicated. Why do they need vindication? Who has been putting them down or thinking badly of them? I have heard people say that the weak just need to get up and try harder. The fatherless do not need to use that as an excuse for their difficulties. Yes, we all need to be responsible for our lives, but we need to rise up and say that the weak and the fatherless need help, and we are going to make sure they get what they need to make up for what they have been deprived of. We need to do justice for the afflicted and destitute. Yes, we need to make sure they have healthcare and some kind of support. We do not need to do it in a way that deprives them of dignity and the motivation to work, but we need to reach out in love and do what we can to make sure they have the same chance in life that others have, as much as we can. We need to rescue the weak and needy. Why does God say this? Often, the wicked people of this world prey on the weak and needy to make money off of them in their limitations. This is always wrong, and we need laws to prevent this from taking place. All of this is how we show the love of Jesus to others. Think of how often Jesus did all of these things while He was here with us. We need to carry on in the way Jesus showed us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 83-85.

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