The Tent of Meeting

 Moses was a very good leader, and he had quite a responsibility leading 2 million people in the wilderness. He not only thought of their physical needs, but he was very much concerned with their spiritual needs. He knew that he needed to follow the Lord, but also, the people needed to hear from the Lord, as well. That is why Moses made a very strategic move. Each time the Israelites moved to a new place, he pitched a tent outside of the camp. (Exodus 33:7)  He set it up quite a good distance from the camp. He called it "the tent of meeting." Now it was not for meeting with people. It was for those who sought the Lord. They would go there and spend time talking with God and listening to Him. This was a great example for the people to see Moses and Joshua go there, and I am sure it led many people to be more serious about meeting with God individually.

Where do you have set aside to go and meet with the Lord on a regular basis? We should have a place in our home or outside where we can be in solitude and seek God, without the noises and pressures of the world around us disturbing us. We need to go there often, because we need the Lord to direct us in every decision and in all of our plans for each day. Of course, I am writing on this again, because I have seen the benefits of having that time with God each day. I have given us all suggestions about how to do, but it must be done in your own way to make it most effective for you. My main question now is this, "Are you going to that place of meeting each day?" If not, what is causing you not to set aside that time and make that effort? Please, let's be careful never to give the Lord the idea that we think we can live without Him. He is quick to meet with anyone seeking Him, and the benefits are tremendous.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-36.

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