No Second-class Believers

 People have a way of excluding people who are not like them or relegating certain people to second-class status. It is part of human nature to do this in an effort to make us look special or superior to others. However, this is not God's nature. Isaiah makes this very clear. (Isaiah 56:3) We do not have to be born into a particular group to belong to God's people, and even if we have some physical abnormality, we still are just as accepted by God as anyone else. The determining factor is our faith in Him. If we follow God, we belong to Him.

Everyone has a desire to belong to something that is important. There is nothing more important than belonging to God. Let's not try to please people just so we can be accepted by them or belong to their group. Let's be sure we please the Lord by trusting Him and following Him every day. When we do that we belong to the family of God, where there are no second-class members of the family. We belong to the King of the universe. What could be more important. Once we realize this truth, what others say or don't say will not matter nearly so much to us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 57-59.

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