You Got Me out of Every Scrape

As we have noted before, King David had a lot of enemies who wished to bring him down or even kill him. From reading his psalms it seems that the stress of life would get to him at times, and his faith in the Lord would fluctuate from high to low. In those low moments David would lay out his fears before the Lord. He would confess his worries. This time outlaws were after him, and hit men were trying to kill him. He did not think anything could stop them, because God meant nothing to them. However, in the end God got him out of every scrape, and David was ready to worship the Lord and thank Him for His goodness. In every scrape David saw God take care of his enemies. (Psalm 54:3,6,7) God is so good to all of us in this same way.

Worry is a sin. Worry doesn't accomplish anything, except to make us more upset. If we are worrying, we are not really trusting God. We are telling ourselves that God can't handle our enemies and the other things that could harm us. Of course, that is never true, but we can convince ourselves of that, if we focus on the trouble, instead of looking to the Lord. Then, once God has delivered us from our enemies, we can look back and see that we should never have worried in the first place. Just think of all of the scrapes God has gotten us out of. Isn't that enough evidence to convince us not to worry? It should be. We ought to skip the worry and go straight to worshiping and thanking God, who always gets us out of every scrape in our lives, and He does it so easily, too. God is so good. Let's never forget that!

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 55-57.

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