Two Aspects of Faith

Faith is essential for salvation through Jesus Christ. We must believe that Jesus is the Lord who died and rose again for our salvation in order to be saved. People come to have that faith in many ways, but there are two aspects of that saving faith. Some people see a sign from God to prove to them that Jesus is the Living Lord of all. Others believe from God's Word from reading the Bible or hearing the truth from  someone else. Thomas had to see the risen Lord Jesus to believe in Him, but Jesus has a blessing for those who believe without seeing. (John 20:29) Which is it for you?

The wonderful thing about Jesus is that He will always do what He did for Thomas, if a person needs to see to believe. He will always show them, if they are willing to receive what He shows them. Then, they respond in genuine faith. However, those who do not see and yet believe receive an even greater blessing. God loves faith either way, but He rejoices to see those who take Him at His Word and at the prompting of the Spirit in their hearts, so that they are truly blessed in their faith. I pray we all are in one of these two categories, because there are those who reject all of the Lord's revelation to them, and they do not believe in Him. They are lost for eternity. Please, trust Jesus today, whatever it takes.

Tomorrow, I intend to read John 21 and Acts 1-3.

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