Give Thanks to the God of Heaven

How often do we stop to give thanks to God? How often do we count our blessings from the Lord and give Him the thanks He deserves? I hope we will think about being thankful on this Lord's Day. The Bible gives us many commands to give thanks. If we are not giving thanks constantly every day and even spending time in prayer specifically thanking God, we are sinning; we are failing to do what we know is right. That is the point of Psalms 136. The entire psalm is a list of things for which the psalmist was thankful, and he was encouraging God's people to give thanks about these things. (Psalm 136:26) Let's take a cue from this psalm in God's Word, and let's give thanks.

Many years ago, I was leading a discipleship group. One of the activities we were to complete was to pray a prayer of thanksgiving. That's it, nothing else, no praise, supplication, intercession, or confession. Now, I know all of those elements of prayer are very important, too. However, this exercise was to show us how much we had to learn about being thankful. We all found it very difficult to pray only giving thanks to God for specific things. We could not pray that way for very long because our minds and hearts were not set on giving thanks. I would encourage each of us to pray that kind of prayer today. Look at this psalm for some ideas and think of God, the world He made, our body, our family, our church, our country, our material blessings. I could go on and on. Sincerely thank God for each one, realizing He is the God of Heaven, and He is the Source of all we are and all we have. We owe Him thanks for everything. Let's give it to Him often and well.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 137-139.

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