Trusting in His Mercy

In the Psalms of David he is very transparent about his life, both the bad and the good. David was not anywhere close to being perfect, so he had to trust in God's mercy.(Psalm 13:5,6) I can relate to that, can you? I would be without hope, if God was not so merciful. That is true for all of us. We should not only come to trust in His mercy, but to rejoice in His salvation, since there is no salvation apart from the mercy of God.

Please understand one thing. We are not to assume that God will be merciful, so that we sin more. However, we can trust in the fact that when we sincerely fall into sin, God knows our hearts, and He is merciful. In fact, we have all sinned multiple times, so we deserve to go to Hell forever. However, God mercifully sent His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus, to die in our place so our sins could be forgiven, and we could have life eternal, instead of eternal death in the punishment of Hell. I believe we should all be able to rejoice in that salvation.

That is not all, though. Because of His mercy, He has dealt bountifully with me. I have received so much more than I could ever deserve or earn. My heart will join David in singing to the Lord, because of His abundant blessings. Again, it is not because I have done so well. It is because of His great mercy and His bountiful grace. It is all about Him, not me.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 14-17.

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