
Everyone is not going to be in Heaven. In fact, many people would not like it at all. Seems incredible doesn't it, that many people would not enjoy the most wonderful place in the universe? That is true, though. The ones in Heaven will be the ones who have been cleansed of their sins by trusting Christ as their Lord and Savior, so that they kept His commandments. The ones outside of Heaven will be all those who loved and practiced a lie.(Revelation 22:14,15) Many people would rather practice a lie than embrace the Truth, Jesus Christ.(John 14:6) They would hate having to live in a place where they could not get away from the Truth, and where there is nothing that defiles, nothing that displeases God, and nothing that is a lie.(Revelation 21:27)

As we close out 2013, I do not want to be negative. I want to be very positive. I am positive that there is only one Truth. It is impossible and illogical to have two truths that contradict each other, but both of them are still true. I am positive that there are absolutes. If anyone says that there are no absolutes, then there is at least one absolute, and they have disproved their own argument. I am positive that there is One Loving God who wants everyone to be in Heaven, but He will not force anyone to love Him and the Truth. He did not create evil, but He created angels and humans with choice, so that we could truly love Him and choose to keep His commandments, which are for our good. Jesus has prepared a place for all of those who trust Him, and that place is Heaven.

Please, remember that if you were stranded in the Alaskan wilderness with 3 other people because of a plane crash with only one city close enough to reach by foot, only those who walked toward that city would survive. There was a map that showed the direction to that city being east, but since no one had been there before they were not sure the map was complete and correct. Therefore, one person decided to walk north, because they had a feeling that was the right way. Another decided to walk south, because it was flatter and easier to walk. The other person went to the west, because he was convinced that there had to be more than one city, and he would find it on his own. You believed the map and walked east. You made it, and the others did not. Everyone had the same choice, but only one way was right.

God has given us all an internal map, because He reveals Himself to us personally. We have to choose to trust Him and His way, not our own. What you do determines whether you will be in Heaven for eternity or not. Make sure you follow the Truth and not a lie.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 1-3.

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