When God Stops Talking

We need to hear from God. When He stops talking to us, we are in trouble.(Amos 8:11) Israel rejected the words of God through the Prophets so completely that God sent a famine of the words of the Lord. For 400 years there was no prophetic revelation of God to His people. It lasted until John the Baptist came onto the scene to prepare the way for Jesus. That is the most serious type of famine we can ever experience.

Why would God stop talking to a person? There are several reasons. If a person doesn't believe God exists after all of His efforts to reveal Himself to them, God doesn't need to speak to them any more. There could come a time when He would stop completely. Also, if a person won't listen to God like Israel did, God will stop speaking. Then, if all we do is whine about our circumstances when we talk with Him, and we don't do what He says, He will stop speaking to us. It is like raising a child. If you give attention to the child when he whines, he will keep whining to get his way. However, if you ignore him, he will get the message that his whining is not going to accomplish anything.

I pray that we will not do any of these things to cause God to stop speaking to us. We need His love and direction communicated to our hearts daily. Let's trust Him, listen to every word He says, and do what He tells us to do without whining.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 1-4.

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