Just Do It!

I know that "Just Do It!" is a Nike slogan, but I have a feeling that Joshua would have used that one in his speeches to the Israelites.(Joshua 18:3) Under his leadership they conquered much of the Land God had given to their fathers. However, the task was not finished until each tribe totally conquered their part of the land which was their inheritance from God. Finally, Joshua just had to challenge them to stop neglecting to possess the land. It belonged to them, but they had to trust God enough to take possession of it.

This is true in the spiritual sense today for every believer. God has given us "every spiritual blessing" when we come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Those blessings are "in the heavenly places" waiting on us to possess them.(Ephesians 1:3) We will not possess them until we pray and do what God tells us to do. It might be to step out and take on our enemies like Joshua did, or it may be to serve the Lord in some specific way. We don't need those blessings unless we are actively doing His will, but we need them to be fulfilled in life. The answer is simple, "Just Do It!" Just do what God tells you to do in His Word, as you pray, and as you worship Him with other believers. Then, you can possess all He has for you.

Joshua did his part. He led them to victory over many enemies. However, he could not do it all for them. They had to do their part themselves. Your pastor can't do it for you, or even your wife or husband. You have to make the commitment to faithfully follow the Lord each day, each step of the way, and then, you can possess the life the Lord has for you.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 21-23.

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