
This morning our men had a good discussion of the two parables in Luke 13:18-21. The first is the parable of the mustard seed, and the second is the parable of the leaven. Both are given by Jesus to describe the Kingdom of God. We all need to know how God's kingdom is different from our earthly kingdoms, or else we will assume that God works like an earthly king or a president. That is far from true.

In the case of the leaven it is especially interesting to see what Jesus was saying because in the Bible leaven or yeast represents sin in every case except when Jesus used it in this parable in Luke and Matthew. We all know that the Bible says "a little leaven leavens the whole lump." In that passage it means a little sin spreads. However, in this parable Jesus said the kingdom of God spreads like leaven through a lump of dough. It is the opposite of the other reference. In other words, if we have God's Spirit filling us, His power is able to overcome the power of sin. When we are endued with His power Satan's armies are no match for us. He is powerful, though, and he will defeat us, if we try to stand in our own strength. Therefore, God's kingdom will be victorious as we depend on Him, and we will overcome the power of darkness. I think that is why Jesus chose to use leaven in this way.

It all depends on us. Will we depend on Him? Will we submit to the Spirit and be filled, so we will have the influence to lead others away from sin, or will we be overcome ourselves? It is all up to our relationship with Him and our spiritual condition, as well as our use of the Spiritual Armor which He provides for us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 4-6.

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