
If you had to make a list of things that we need to have or to learn to become mature disciples of Jesus, what would be on your list? This is not a trick question, at all. I just want us to think about what it takes. After all, if we don't know what it takes, how will we ever be one?

If I were making the list several years ago, I would have said we need to be living in God's Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, and witnessing to the world. Of course, to do those things we have to spend time with the Lord. I learned all of that from a discipleship course called Masterlife, which is excellent.

However, after reading Charles Swindoll and Dallas Willard, I have added on very important item to my list. I need solitude. I need time alone with God in quietness. I have become convinced that I need consistent times of solitude which are significant in length. In other words if I am too busy to be quiet before the Lord and listen to Him, I will not grow in the Lord as I should.

Think about it this way. If you want to get to know your husband, wife, or children does that really happen when you are doing activities? It may happen to some extent, but it does not happen like it does when you sit down and look into each others' eyes and talk with each other from the heart with no interruptions. We all need that with our family and friends. We all need that with Jesus. If not, we can't really be a mature disciple, because a disciple becomes like His teacher. In solitude we hear His voice so much better, and we know just what He wants us to do.

I pray that we will all build some solitude into our schedules, especially during this Christmas season.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 45-46 and I John 2.

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