Being Cared for in Old Age

 None of us know what will happen to us when we get older. We have all types of questions which have no answers. How long will our health be good? Will we be able to take care of ourselves, or will we need help? How will we have enough money for everything we need? These things could make us very worried, but we must not allow that to happen. We must trust the Lord to care for us. 

Naomi was a widow, and she had lost her two sons. There was no way for her to take care of herself, so she prepared to return home. I don't think she knew what was going to happen to her, but she was glad to have Ruth going with her to Bethlehem. Once they arrived, God worked one miracle after another, until all of her needs were met. (Ruth 4:15) The older ladies blessed her by saying, "May God restore your youth and care for you in your old age. " They said this after Ruth married Boaz and had a son, so all their questions were answered.

God can meet our needs in many different ways. Sometimes, He directs us by speaking to our hearts and leading us to the right place at the right time. Other times, we meet the right person to help us, like Ruth met Boaz. Of course, family members can step up and meet needs, too, like Ruth did. She was better than seven sons, but who would have known? God worked all of that out, because Naomi and Ruth trusted Him.

We need to stop fretting. We need to know that God has a plan and a way to meet every need. We need to pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6,7) Then, God sees our faith, and He is pleased to direct us and give us the peace that passes understanding. We must live in that peace, taking one step at a time, knowing God has a great way to care for us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 1-3. 


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