The Living God

 Our God is the Living God. That sets Him apart from all of the gods of the other religions. In Fact, He has always been alive, and He will be alive forever. Because of this, He is involved in the lives of all people. He is working to make Himself known to all of the peoples of the earth. Our Living God wants to have a relationship with each person in every corner of the earth. King Darius of Persia came to know this reality. (Daniel 6:26) He saw God at work in Daniel's life, when He protected Daniel from the hungry lions in the lions' den. After seeing the Living God, Darius sent a decree to all of his kingdom which stretched across most of the world at that time. He commanded all the people to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. He decreed that He was the Living God, steadfast forever, and He had a Kingdom that would endure to the end. Praise the Living God for making Himself known.

How has the Living God made Himself known to you lately? Do you see that He is wanting that daily relationship with you? We should all stop to take stock of the work of God in our lives. Even the little things can be used to broadcast to others, so they will see the Living God. Of course, when God does something fantastic, we must not keep it to ourselves. We must give Him the glory to everyone. However, if we get disciplined by God for falling short, I believe we should be open and share those things with others, too, so they will learn to tremble and fear before God. We all need to see that He is in control, and He will do whatever He desires. Let's all pray that God would use us to show as many people as possible the truth about God. Believe me, if God could use a pagan king like Darius, He can and will use any of His children if we will be sensitive to His Spirit.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 7-9.

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