He has Torn, But He will Heal

 God doesn't stay angry with us forever, if we humbly return to Him. Yes, God can be very harsh when we need it because of our rebellion. He can and does bring much pain and stress upon us when He is getting our attention. However, everything is done with a purpose, and it is done in a way that God knows will touch us personally. He really cares, and He knows our sins will destroy our lives. This was the message of Hosea to Israel, (Hosea 6:1) Come, and return to the Lord he told them. He has torn, but He will heal us. He has stricken, but He will bind us up. Can you hear the great love and compassion of God in this message? I pray we all can hear it, and we will return to the Lord quickly.

All of us who have ever had children can relate to what God is going through with us. On the occasions when our children sinned badly, we had to administer a spanking. It hurt them, and they cried. Their cries broke our heart, but we knew they needed the correction and the pain. However, after the pain, we were ready to gather them into our arms and love them, wiping their tears away. We were ready to assure them that we loved them, and we were just making sure we showed them God's will as we were supposed to do as parents. God is a good, good Father. Yes, He tears us and strikes us when we deserve it. He does it out of love. Then, He is quick to heal us and bind us up, if we will return to Him. If we will do what is right, instead of continuing in our sin, everything can be made better than before. This is God's way of guiding us, and we must never get so angry with God for His correction that we do not hear His voice of love and return to Him for our healing. 


Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 7-10. 

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