Giving or Withholding?

 It is hard to figure out the economy now. The inflation has prices rising on essentials like food and gasoline. Interest rates are going up at the same time. We are not seeing our wages and salaries going up at a pace to meet these demands. Therefore, we have to make some difficult decisions about how to manage our money and where to cut back. This could lead us to the wrong conclusions about giving. We could decide to withhold our money from those we need to help and even from giving to the Lord what He is due. We must not allow this to happen. God showed us why this is true. (Proverbs 11:24) One person gives freely, yet gains more, while another person withholds  what is right, only to become poor. Let's consider why this is true for all of us all the time.

God is the Source of all we have. We are to manage what He gives us in line with His nature and His will. God is a Giver. In fact, God is the greatest Giver in the universe. Therefore, He is watching us, as believers, to see if we reflect His nature. If we love the Lord and other people the way we should, we will be sure to do what pleases the Lord. We will give freely and not withhold what is right, even when the economy is uncertain. The reason is that when we give in a way that pleases God, He gives us even more. However, if we get stingy and selfish with our money, we will not see our assets increase. We will become poor, because God will take away what we have. The Bible is full of references to this truth. We must give with God's love and in His will. We can't do it just so we will be blessed. We must be seeking to be a blessing to the Lord and to other people. Then, He will take care of us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 12-15.

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