Speak Truth and Judge with Truth

God gives us many admonitions in the Bible to show us what we should do. Those instructions cover everything we need to practice in our lives to be godly people. If we fail to follow the Word of God and His directions, we will end up going the way of this world. That is very displeasing to the Lord. In fact, it leads us into all types of sin. We need to listen to what God told Zechariah to tell us. (Zechariah 8:16) We must speak truth with one another. We must judge with truth and judgment for peace in our communities. I would say those things are vital to our culture. What do you think?

If we fail to speak the truth, we lead people astray. Of course, I mean, we must speak with God's truth, not what this world calls truth. If we speak the truth and do it consistently, then others know they can always trust what we say. They know they can count on it to lead them in the right way. Also, when we judge situations and other people's actions, we must do that with truth. The plumb line of God's truth always shows us where other things are out of line with the Lord. However, if we leave out the truth and just judge with human knowledge, we can damage others by our judgment. We can lead them to conflict instead of peace. God loves peace, and He wants us to spread peace when we make judgments according to His truth. This way our communities, our states, our countries, and our world will stay on God's track. Unfortunately, we are living in a day when the truth is scarce and people are not judging by truth, so many people are being led down the broad road that leads to destruction. Please, don't take that road. Stand in truth.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 9-12.

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