Clinging to God

 There is a saying people use that says, "He was clinging to me for dear life." I wonder what kind of images that word "cling" brings to our minds. I believe it is significant. When two things cling together, it is as if they were one. There is no separation. It is a tight fit. They are as close as possible to each other. I love that God used that word to describe His creation of Israel and Judah. (Jeremiah 13:11) He told Jeremiah and the people of God that they were made to cling to Him. He wanted them to be famous or of renown, for their close relationship to the Lord, so they would receive praise and glory. However, they would not listen to God's purpose, so they went their own way. Let's not make the same mistake.

Our relationship with God should be the closest possible relationship of two persons. Yes, God created all of us to cling to Him. We are to so love Him and depend on Him that we cling to God for dear life, eternal, abundant life. When we are as close to God as possible, we hear Him and we obey His every desire. That leads us to have a wonderful, fulfilling life. When others see us, they can't tell where God stops and we start. We are the perfect representation of God to our family and friends. However, we must listen to God and cling to Him completely for this kind of life and testimony to develop. Just like it was up to Israel and Judah then, it is up to us, as believers, today. I pray we will cling to the Lord tightly and be blessed.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 14-17.  

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