Discretion and Understanding

Life is hard. We have to make a lot of very important decisions. If we make the wrong decisions that has drastic consequences for us and our families. This is especially true for leaders. When a leader makes a decision, it affects everyone under his authority. That is why it is imperative for us to have discretion and understanding. David knew this well from his life. (I Chronicles 22:12) Therefore, before he died he asked the Lord to give his son, Solomon, both of these important qualities. Then, Solomon would be able to be in charge over Israel and keep the law of the Lord well. We can learn a lot from this verse.

We may know the Bible, but it is not enough to just know it, we have to do it. That means we have to take what God's Word says and apply it correctly in each situation of life and in all that happens to us and our family. This is where the discretion and understanding come in. We must discern good and bad, right and wrong, so that we have the proper view of exactly what is happening. That way, we will not under respond or over react. If we do either one, we may cause problems. The element of understanding is vital, too. If we do not fully understand God's Word or people, we will not know what to do either. There is a sense in which experience helps our understanding, but we need understanding even when we are young. Therefore, we must study God's Word and ask Him to give us discretion and understanding to lead our own life, our family, and any other group we lead. When we do that, the Spirit will endow us with these qualities, as we walk in Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 25-27.

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