Active Worship

 There is not just one right way to worship the Lord. There are times to be still and know He is God. However, loud, active worship is also a wonderful way to show all the world that He is worthy! We see this over and over again in the Psalms. When David brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, he gave us an excellent example of this active worship. (I Chronicles 15:28) All Israel came for this worship celebration. It was quite a celebration. There was shouting, sounding horns, trumpets, and loud cymbals. There were harps and lyres as well. Let's try to learn from this example, so we will worship more fully.

First, there needs to be unity in worship. We are one body in Christ, and we should worship Jesus was a unified people. All the church should come together and worship the Lord in a glorious way each Sunday. We need to actively express the joy in our hearts over our salvation. We need to let the music ring out, loud and clear, so all will heart the joyful sounds of worship. We should use all types of instruments to accompany our fervent singing. Then, we will do all this to lift up Jesus in praise and in a powerful testimony to all who observe our active worship.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 16-18.

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