Standing in the Gap

 We live in perilous times. It is hard to keep up with the changes taking place in our culture. Our morality is so damaged by sin that people do not know right and wrong. Anything goes. I know it must be very tempting for God to destroy our country because of the abominations. I know Ezekiel lived in such a time, and God showed him what He was looking for to keep from destroying Israel. (Ezekiel 22:30) Every time I read this passage, I am amazed at what God said. However, I don't doubt it. I pray we would do what He desires for us, so we will not face His wrath.

When sin abounds in a society, God is looking for someone to stand up for Him. As so many run to sins of all kinds, God looks for one person to stand against all the sin. I know it is hard because of the ridicule and persecution we could receive. Are you willing to stand up for God against the sins of America? He is looking for someone to repair the defenses of our country spiritually. He wants just one person to stand up and start to rebuild the Judeo-Christian heritage of our country, so He won't have to destroy us. Are you willing to repair the defenses of America by rebuilding them step by step? He is looking for someone to stand for Him and to stand in the gap to protect the land. I believe He is looking for prayer warriors, intercessors, to pray fervently against Satan and his forces, so they can't invade the country any more. Will you be that type of intercessor to stand in the gap? When God looked in Judah, He couldn't find a single person willing to stand up for Him and to stand the gap, so He destroyed them. I wonder what He will find today in the USA?


Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 23-25.

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