The Penalty for Adultery

The book of Deuteronomy has a lot to say about purging the land of serious sins. This was God's law for Israel, so the people would be living according to His design, which is in line with His character. One of the sins God hates is adultery or any kind of sexual immorality. We see that from the 10 Commandments in Deuteronomy 5.  As Moses prepared the new generation of the People of Israel to take over Canaan, He gave them the penalty for adultery, which was death for both the man and the woman. This would purge this evil from Israel. (Deuteronomy 22:22) I wonder what would happen if this was still the penalty today?

I am sure some will say that death is too harsh a penalty for adultery, but think about this for a minute with me. God instituted marriage before any other human institution. Marriage is the foundation for the family, and the family is the foundation for the entire society. When God began marriage He declared the man and wife were to be glued together as one. (Genesis 2:24) The glue that holds marriage together is trusting love that grows and grows. Nothing breaks that trust and love like adultery. Noting hurts the children more than the parents not loving each other or getting a divorce. All of this causes the breakdown of the society for all of the people, so they all suffer the effects. When God said to purge this sin out with the death penalty, He was really being loving, because He was punishing a sin in a way that brought the most good to the most people, and He was still being just to the ones who committed such a grievous sin. Look around today, and see if that is not what is causing people to suffer so much now.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 23-25.

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