An Offended Brother

I think we have all had times in our life when we offended a close friend, even a brother or sister in Christ. We were hurt to think that we had offended them, so we approached them to try to work things out and seek forgiveness. However, our advances were repulsed. It is a heart breaking situation, but it is a reality. God revealed this truth to Solomon, and we need to consider what He said and what we should do about this serious part of life. (Proverbs 18:19) I pray that the Lord will really speak to us about this.

An offended brother or sister is harder to reach than a fortified city. In other words, once we are offended we tend to put up walls and keep out those who have offended us. This is partly a way to protect us from further hurt, and it is partly a selfish action. However, it is a natural reaction of the flesh. The same is true for quarrels. Once we quarrel with someone, the quarrel becomes like bars of a fortress. They lock us out of their life. What can we do? I believe there is two things, at least. We must decide to do whatever we can do to speak and to act in ways that will not offend others. That is not always possible, because some will take offense when we have not do anything wrong. Even though that is true, our relationships with other believers are so important that we should do whatever it takes to keep them strong and not to be offensive or quarrelsome. Also, when we are offended, we need to forgive. That is a great example for those around us, and they may take our lead to do the same. We have to show others it is possible to go against the flesh and follow the Spirit to complete forgiveness. I pray that we will do these things, so we and others can be spared of this hurtful experience.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 19-21.

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