Why Are You Persecuting Me?
Saul or Paul had a very unique salvation experience on the road to Damascus, as he went there to persecute those who believed in Jesus as Lord. He was blinded by a bright light at about noon, so that he fell to his knees. Then, He heard the voice of Jesus asking him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Saul did not know who it was yet, but he answered "Who are you Lord?" Then, the Lord said, "I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting." (Acts 22:7,8) Now, Jesus was in heaven at this time, so how was Saul persecuting Him by what he was doing? I believe the answer is a profound truth for all of us.
When Saul was so zealous to persecute the believers and to try to stamp out the church or the Way, as they called it, he was attacking individuals and families. He did not directly persecute Jesus Christ, but then again, he did. We must remember that the church is the body of Christ, and we are the church. Each of us who believes in Jesus as our Lord and Savior is a part of His body. We may be the hands, the feet, the mouth, or another part of the body, but when anyone attacks us, they are attacking Jesus. That is what Jesus was saying to Saul on the road. Saul was guilty of fighting against the Lord of the universe, but he was humbled at that moment, and he called upon Him as Lord. Then, Saul became a spokesman for Christ to the Gentiles. He never felt worthy, but that was his place in the body. Each of us has a place in the body of Christ, too, so that we have a function to fulfill. As we do His will, we are living as Christ's ambassadors to this world, we represent Him in all we do and say. What a blessing to be a member of the body of Christ and spread His message to this fallen world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 23-26
When Saul was so zealous to persecute the believers and to try to stamp out the church or the Way, as they called it, he was attacking individuals and families. He did not directly persecute Jesus Christ, but then again, he did. We must remember that the church is the body of Christ, and we are the church. Each of us who believes in Jesus as our Lord and Savior is a part of His body. We may be the hands, the feet, the mouth, or another part of the body, but when anyone attacks us, they are attacking Jesus. That is what Jesus was saying to Saul on the road. Saul was guilty of fighting against the Lord of the universe, but he was humbled at that moment, and he called upon Him as Lord. Then, Saul became a spokesman for Christ to the Gentiles. He never felt worthy, but that was his place in the body. Each of us has a place in the body of Christ, too, so that we have a function to fulfill. As we do His will, we are living as Christ's ambassadors to this world, we represent Him in all we do and say. What a blessing to be a member of the body of Christ and spread His message to this fallen world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 23-26