The Most Fitting Cause for Celebration

What things do you celebrate? We usually celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and the regular holidays each year. Then, at times we will celebrate for sports teams who win or other events that happen in the course of our lives. We certainly celebrate job promotions and raises, as well as, retirements. All of these things are great reasons to celebrate, but one reason tops them all. We should celebrate the most when we learn about the eternal salvation of another person who passes from death to life and from being lost to being found. (Luke 15:32) Jesus made this abundantly clear.

The greatest thing that can happen in this world is for a soul to come to know Christ and to be changed into a child of God. Nothing else compares to this one event. However, I am afraid not many people have it as their goal to see this happen and to be able to rejoice in this blessed occasion. I have to wonder why we do not put a priority on this in our lives. I am afraid too many of us are like the older brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. We are too self-focused, and we even resent those who have been less than responsible being celebrated for having a great life change by the power of God. We feel like we are the ones who should receive the party because of our dutiful service to the Lord. We must repent of that sin, get our eyes on others and seek out those who need to be saved like Jesus did. (Luke 19:10) Then, we will be able to participate in the most fitting celebration that ever takes place in the old, sinful world in which we live.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 16-18.

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