Where Sin Began

If we were to ask most people when sin began, they would say with Adam and Eve. That is not the correct answer, though. Sin started with the pride and fall of Lucifer, one of God's archangels who led the worship before His throne. His sin was the first in the universe, and it came from pride over his beauty. (Ezekiel 28:15, 17) He wanted to be worshiped like God and to take God's place. This caused God to corrupt his beauty and cast him out of heaven, down to the ground of the earth, where he later tempted Eve and she sinned, too.

Pride is at the root of all sins. We fall into sin, when we think we know better than God. We end up sinning by doing what we want to do, since we want to have our own way. We do not want to submit to God because of pride, so we are stiff-necked, and we do not listen to God and His Word. Therefore, to overcome sin, we must put away all pride and take upon ourselves humility that allows us to worship God in our weakness and depend upon God in every way. Humility to admit that we are weak, but God is all-wise and all-powerful is the beginning of living in righteousness, instead of sin. Jesus is our Model of humility. (Philippians 2:5-11) His humility before the Father, led to His sinless life and His perfect sacrifice of Himself for us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 29-31.

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