The Cost of Worship

Of course, we do not charge people to attend worship services at church. However, in real worship there is a cost involved. It is a personal cost that we pay to show God how worthy He is of all of our praise and trust. David knew this principle of worship, and he practiced it in a critical moment for Israel, as he offered sacrifices where God told him to, to stop the plague spreading through the people.(II Samuel 24:24) It would be profitable for us to consider this truth today, we we prepare for our worship this Easter week.

If worship is free of all costs, it is not worship that is worthy of God. When we worship, we must give Him our time, our talents, and our resources, all of which He gave us, as an offering back to Him. We show our devotion and love for the Lord by giving Him what means most to us, because He is to mean more to us than anything else. If we don't give our time to worship, then, our time means more than God. If we do not give our energy and talents to God, then, they mean more than He does to us. If we can't give our offerings, as He leads us, we are showing that money means more to us than He does. Then, if we are unwilling to obey what He shows us when we worship, we are not really trusting Him. I hope this makes sense. That is why David did what he did, and that is why I say there is always some cost for real worship.

As we approach Easter and our worship of the crucified and risen Christ, let's show God our true love and faith by giving worship that costs us something that is worthy of Him. Let's determine to go into worship, ready to give Him whatever He asks and do whatever He asks. Then, let's watch and see how that worship pleases our Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 3-5.

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