A Person Under Authority

This morning our men began Luke 7. It begins with the account of Jesus healing the servant of the Roman Centurion. We had a great discussion, and the Lord showed us many ways to apply the truths we learned from this story.

Jesus commended the Centurion. He did not reject him for being a Gentile. In fact, Jesus said he had the greatest faith He had found, even greater than any of the Jews He had met. That is quite a compliment! We need to see the reason for what Jesus said.

The Centurion was very humble. He did not feel worthy to have Jesus come to his house. We know that he believed in God, because he had sent for Jesus to heal his servant, and he was well thought of by the Jews for building a synagogue. Then, he called Jesus "Lord." All of these things point to his belief in Jesus being God's Son or at least, being sent from God. Then, we read that he said that all Jesus needed to do was to speak the word, and the servant would be healed. He believed that because he was a "man under authority," and he could give orders and people would obey him. He knew Jesus was the same way. Either he thought He was God, so He had the authority to give healing, or He was under the authority of the Father, so He could give the word for him to be healed. Either way, the Centurion was having faith in God to do the right thing. He was not trying to force Jesus to heal his servant. He was appealing to the Authority to do the right thing. That is real faith. It is trusting God to do the right thing.

Also, we know that only God has the authority to bring supernatural healing. It is not at our word, but at His word that healing comes. We can't speak it into existence. We can appeal to God's authority, and He will work through us to do His will. Again, this is a part of faith. It is not getting what we want, but it is believing God for what He wants to do and acting upon that belief. After all, His will is always best.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 8-10 and III John.

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