May 6, 2006 - I Kings 21-22 and Luke 23:26-56

There are three groups of people in this world when it comes to spiritual commitment. There are those who have sold themselves to do evil, those who have sold themselves to do right, and those who are in the middle. There are many good examples of these groups and of the characteristics of each group in our reading today. I urge you to look for them and to let the Lord speak to you about what group you are in.

Chapter 21 relates the story of Naboth's vineyard and how Jezebel took it for Ahab by having Naboth stoned to death for blasphemy. Both Ahab and Jezebel had sold themselves to do evil. (v.20) There was nothing sinful they would not do to get their way, because they had made this decision. Jezebel even used God's Word to have Naboth killed. (v.10) What a contradiction! Here is a pagan using God's Word to kill someone. Ahab went along with her, until he was confronted by Elijah. Then, he did repent of that one sin, so God showed some mercy on him, but he did not change his commitment to evil. There are many people in our world today, who will do anything to get their way, because they have decided that doing evil is the best way to live. God will punish them, but we have to watch out for them.

In chapter 22 we read about the prophet Micaiah. He was sold out to do right. Nothing could keep him from speaking God's Word, even if it meant jail or death. He was fearless for the Lord, because he had decided that it was always right to do God's Will. That is the best decision anyone can make, because God will always be able to bless that person, even if he does get in trouble in this world. Also, we see king Jehoshaphat. He was one of the people in the middle. In his case, he was a good person, who was trying to do right, but he was still compromising with evil. He made peace with Ahab, and he went to war with him. (v.44) He was almost killed because of this compromise. A person in the middle will be on the roller coaster of life. There will be no consistency, and God can't fully bless that person. I urge you to sell yourself to do right like Micaiah.

Luke 23 has some more examples. The Jewish leaders and the Roman soldiers had sold themselves to do evil. There was nothing they would not have done to kill Jesus. This was also true of the thief who would not repent. They just gave themselves to their fleshly desires, and they would not listen to God at all. Then, there was Joseph, of Arimathea. he did not care what anyone else thought or if he got killed himself. He went to get the body of Jesus, so he could bury Him. The ladies had the same type of commitment. They were following to see where He would be laid. Both Joseph and the ladies were sold out to do right. The thief on the cross, who repented was in the middle at the start, but he changed. He turned to Jesus once and for all. Jesus recognized this commitment, and He forgave his sins. That is what any of us can do. We can decide to switch sides from being sold out to evil or from being in the middle. God is gracious. He will forgive, but we must choose to follow Him completely. He must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. What do you need to do today?

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 1-3 and Luke 24:1-35.

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