May 5, 2006 - I Kings 19-20 and Luke 23:1-25
Life is very unpredictable. It is impossible for us to understand what is going on without God's specific revelation to us. That is why we must remain close to Him and stay in His Word all of the time. If we don't, life doesn't make sense at all, and we can get discouraged. Let's look at this passage from that point of view today.
Chapter 19 picks up the story of Elijah right after the great victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. We might think Elijah would be invincible now, but he runs for his life from Jezebels' threat to kill him. What was going on? Did God desert him? No! He brought this on himself by becoming physically fatigued, when he ran ahead of Ahab's chariot to Jezreel. (18:46) This was more than 15 miles. The result was that he wanted to die. What did God do for him? He sent an angel to feed him, and he let him sleep. That is what he needed the most. That had caused the problem. If we don't listen to God at times like that, our depression can just get worse and worse. Then, God came and spoke to him in a still, small voice. He told him that he was not alone, and He told him what to do. I am sure that reassured Elijah that everything was going to work out fine, when he was confused about everything. However, if he had not stopped to listen to the small voice, he could have been disoriented to God's will for a long time. Have you been taking time to listen to that still, small voice each step of the way, or are you disoriented to God? Are you depressed from physical fatigue? Let God show you what to do. Listen for Him.
Chapter 20 tells how God delivered king Ahab from the Syrian army. Why would God deliver such an evil king? That doesn't make sense. God was showing Himself to the Syrians and to Israel. It did not have to do with Ahab. In the end Ahab is condemned for making a treaty instead of winning a total victory. Sometimes, we see sinful people receiving God's blessings, and we might become confused. We need to listen to God, and let Him show us what He is doing. If we will do that, it will all make sense eventually. If not, we could get discouraged.
Luke 23 shows us how Jesus was condemned to death, even though He was innocent, and Barabbas, the murderer, was set free. How can that be right? It was all a part of God's plan of redemption. It might not make sense to us at first, but once God explains to us that Jesus had to die in our place, then we begin to see it correctly. God can use anyone to do His will. Pilate thought he was in charge, but Jesus was in charge all along. The only way to see that clearly was to have God explain it to us. Can you see how God's specific revelation is so important? Without God's wisdom being shown to us, life does not make sense. With God's explanation it all falls in place.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 21-22 and Luke 23:26-56.
Chapter 19 picks up the story of Elijah right after the great victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. We might think Elijah would be invincible now, but he runs for his life from Jezebels' threat to kill him. What was going on? Did God desert him? No! He brought this on himself by becoming physically fatigued, when he ran ahead of Ahab's chariot to Jezreel. (18:46) This was more than 15 miles. The result was that he wanted to die. What did God do for him? He sent an angel to feed him, and he let him sleep. That is what he needed the most. That had caused the problem. If we don't listen to God at times like that, our depression can just get worse and worse. Then, God came and spoke to him in a still, small voice. He told him that he was not alone, and He told him what to do. I am sure that reassured Elijah that everything was going to work out fine, when he was confused about everything. However, if he had not stopped to listen to the small voice, he could have been disoriented to God's will for a long time. Have you been taking time to listen to that still, small voice each step of the way, or are you disoriented to God? Are you depressed from physical fatigue? Let God show you what to do. Listen for Him.
Chapter 20 tells how God delivered king Ahab from the Syrian army. Why would God deliver such an evil king? That doesn't make sense. God was showing Himself to the Syrians and to Israel. It did not have to do with Ahab. In the end Ahab is condemned for making a treaty instead of winning a total victory. Sometimes, we see sinful people receiving God's blessings, and we might become confused. We need to listen to God, and let Him show us what He is doing. If we will do that, it will all make sense eventually. If not, we could get discouraged.
Luke 23 shows us how Jesus was condemned to death, even though He was innocent, and Barabbas, the murderer, was set free. How can that be right? It was all a part of God's plan of redemption. It might not make sense to us at first, but once God explains to us that Jesus had to die in our place, then we begin to see it correctly. God can use anyone to do His will. Pilate thought he was in charge, but Jesus was in charge all along. The only way to see that clearly was to have God explain it to us. Can you see how God's specific revelation is so important? Without God's wisdom being shown to us, life does not make sense. With God's explanation it all falls in place.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 21-22 and Luke 23:26-56.