August 21 - Jeremiah 42-44
As we begin to read Jeremiah 42 our hearts are lifted as we see the remnant coming to Jeremiah and asking him to seek the Lord's will for them. (v.3) We are thrilled to hear them say that they will do whatever God says whether it seems good or bad to them. (v.6) Finally, we think the people have realized the error of their ways, and they really want to do things God's way now. However, our hopes are dashed as Jeremiah delivers God's directions to them, and they too reject God's will. In fact, they did not want to know it in the first place. They were hypocrites. (v.20) They were saying one thing to Jeremiah and believing another thing in their hearts. Therefore, God pronounces His punishment for all of them, who go to Egypt. They would all die, except for a small remnant of the remnant. (44:8,13)
It is so sad to see God's people so disoriented to the truth. They accused Jeremiah of speaking falsely. (43:2) They used the excuse that Baruch had led him to say the wrong thing. (43:3) Then, we find out why they did this. They were running from their problems, but they were running to the flesh. They were simply concerned about having plenty of food and no trouble. (44:17b) They were even so disoriented that they thought the reason for their lack of food and pleasure was that they stopped worshiping idols for a while. They reasoned that as long as they were worshiping the idols, they had plenty of everything, so they were going to worship the queen of heaven no matter what Jeremiah said. I am afraid this is how many people are today. They are not concerned about meeting the needs of the spirit, but the needs of the flesh. This will always lead a person to destruction and to be disoriented to the ways of God. He never wants us to fulfill the flesh.
God gave the remnant a chance to do His will, and they turned Him down. God will give you a chance to do His will, too. What will you do? Will you be concerned about your flesh or about your spirit? Will you commit to do whatever God tells you to do no matter what it is? I hope you will learn from the mistakes of Israel and trust the Lord with all of your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 45-47.
It is so sad to see God's people so disoriented to the truth. They accused Jeremiah of speaking falsely. (43:2) They used the excuse that Baruch had led him to say the wrong thing. (43:3) Then, we find out why they did this. They were running from their problems, but they were running to the flesh. They were simply concerned about having plenty of food and no trouble. (44:17b) They were even so disoriented that they thought the reason for their lack of food and pleasure was that they stopped worshiping idols for a while. They reasoned that as long as they were worshiping the idols, they had plenty of everything, so they were going to worship the queen of heaven no matter what Jeremiah said. I am afraid this is how many people are today. They are not concerned about meeting the needs of the spirit, but the needs of the flesh. This will always lead a person to destruction and to be disoriented to the ways of God. He never wants us to fulfill the flesh.
God gave the remnant a chance to do His will, and they turned Him down. God will give you a chance to do His will, too. What will you do? Will you be concerned about your flesh or about your spirit? Will you commit to do whatever God tells you to do no matter what it is? I hope you will learn from the mistakes of Israel and trust the Lord with all of your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 45-47.