A New Name for a Changed Life
I am glad that my name is John Stanley Jordan, It has a great significance to me. My parents were thoughtful when they named me. They knew I was the only boy born to carry on the Jordan family name, so they named me after both of my grandfathers, John Jordan and Stanley Howey. It speaks to me about the heritage of our family. Then, I named my son the same, and he named his son after both of his grandfathers.
Jacob was named that because of his unusual birth, where God told Rebekah that her younger twin would rule over the elder, and it was seen by him holding Esau's heel during the birth. However, after living up to the meaning of Jacob by being deceitful, he had a definite change in his life. (Genesis 35:10) So God said to Him, "Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name." That was a huge blessing.
Jacob went from being a deceiver or a supplanter to being " a prince of God." God saw the change in his life and his character after he left Canaan for Mesopotamia to find a wife. Jacob followed the Lord, worked hard, and raised his family well. This kind of change is possible for any of us, as we see our sins, turn from them, and follow God's plan for us by faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I pray we all can look back and see how God has molded us to be more like Jesus.
In fact, the book of Revelation makes reference to all of us who know Christ. We will get a new name when we get to heaven. (Revelation 2:17) This is for all who overcome by faith in Jesus. It will be written on a white stone, and no one will know it except us. I wonder what God will name me for my heavenly name? I imagine it will have a special significance about something in my life. I pray it will be a good name like Jacob received when God named him Israel.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 36-40.