Not Left Without a Redeemer

 It is terrible to be in a situation where we have no hope of things improving. Hopelessness causes people to become depressed and to give up. I believe this is why people like the stories of super heroes who come to the rescue of desperate people in dire circumstances. We all would look for someone to come to our aid in those times. The Lord knows all about this need.

Naomi lost her husband and her two sons. They died and left her in a very difficult situation since widows didn't have a way to make a living in those days. However, God had a solution to her hopeless state. (Ruth 4:14) The ladies of Bethlehem said to Naomi, "Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel." Boaz, the kinsman redeemer, came to the rescue of both Naomi and Ruth,

Boaz purchased the property of Naomi's husband, married Ruth, and they had a child. Naomi went from a hopeless widow to a secure grandmother all because of her kinsman redeemer. That was God's system in the Old Covenant, but He has not left us in the New Covenant without a Redeemer, either. God never wants anyone to be hopeless.

Jesus is our Hope; He is our Redeemer. He became a man, while remaining God, so He could shed His blood for our sins and save us from eternal death. His blood paid our sin debt, so we could be free and secure in Him by putting our trust in Him alone for our salvation. We all have sinned, but there is a Redeemer for all of us, too, if we will simply turn from our sin and trust Jesus as Lord.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 1-3.

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