Remember the Lord and Pray

 If we are not very careful, we forget to think about the Lord when we make decisions or when we have a need. We rush to make our choice, but we choose the wrong way to go, since we left Him out. We try our own solution to our need, since we did not remember to pray and ask Him to meet our need, or to show us how we should proceed. This is a terrible sin, because it is like telling God He is not important to us, and we do not need Him. That is just what Jonah did when God told Him to preach to Nineveh. He got on a ship going the other way. He did not want to do what God said, so his solution was to flee from God. How smart is that? God stopped him with a storm, and the sailors threw Jonah into the sea to save their lives and stop the storm. God caused a big fish swallowed Jonah. (Jonah 2:1,7,10) It wasn't until Jonah was sinking in the ocean and swallowed by that fish that he prayed to the Lord. However, as his life was fading, he humbly sought God in His holy temple. It was then that God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah out onto dry land. I pray we all learn a valuable lesson from Jonah's sin.

What does it take to get us to pray fervently from a heart full of faith? That is how we should pray about everything that happens to us. God has commanded us to pray without ceasing. He has told us to stop worrying and pray about everything. He has promised to hear our prayers and answer according to His will, if we will sincerely seek Him in faith. So, why do we fail so often? We forget the Lord. We get wrapped up in our daily activities, and we let our minds wander to the things of this world. We forget that God wants to help us every step of the way. Sometimes, we forget God on purpose, like Jonah did. When we don't want to obey Him, we block Him out. Then, He has to draw us back with a storm. Let's not run from God or forget Him. Let's set our mind on the Lord and seek Him continually. That way we won't find ourselves in a "big fish," or something just as daunting. Let's pray first not last when we have tried everything else. Let's always remember the Lord and pray. Then, we will see what God will do for us and through us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 3-4 and Micah 1-2.   

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