The Lord is There

 These last chapters of Ezekiel are all about the Temple that will be constructed for the 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth, referred to as the Millennium.  It will be a huge temple because it will be used by many more people than the other temples in Jerusalem. In fact, people will come from all over the world to worship Jesus in this place. Ezekiel gives us a detailed description, so we can compare it with the plans of the other temples and see the contrast. Then, Ezekiel revealed the name for the city where this temple will be built. (Ezekiel 48:35) We know it as Jerusalem now, but then, this city which will be 6 miles in circumference, will be named "YAHWEH SHAMMAH", the Lord is There. That will be a great name, because Jesus will be there and reign from there for 1,000 years.

Where is the best place for us to be in this world? I like to say that the best place on earth  to be is in the middle of God's perfect will for us. It doesn't really matter where that takes us, just that the Lord is with us, since we are doing His will. However, now I have a different question. Where is the best place in the universe for us to be? The answer is that the best place to be is with the Lord, Himself, who loves us and gave Himself for us. We can be in that place, if we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. For the believer, to be absent from the body is the be present with the Lord, so if we die, we will be with Him. One day, the Father will tell Jesus it is time for Him to gather his followers from the earth, both the dead and the living, at the Rapture of the church. We will be raised to meet Jesus in the sky, and so we shall ever be with the Lord. We will be with Him in Heaven for the Judgment and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Then, we will return to earth with Him to reign for 1,000 years during the Millennium. Finally, we will be in the New Jerusalem with Him forever. What a blessing to think that wherever we are the Lord will be there for us. I pray that you are prepared and excited about being with the Lord.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 1-4.  

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