The Point is Simply Love

 Love should be the point of all we do and say. However, there are all shades of love. Some is pure. Some is not. The Lord desires for us to simply love with a pure love, free from the elements that contaminate the love of this world. Paul made this clear to his son in the ministry, Timothy. (I Timothy 1:5) Timothy was a pastor who needed to lead his flock with moral guidance by sharing the truth. In doing that Paul admonished him to simply love with love uncontaminated with self-interest and counterfeit faith, having a life open to God. That is a great nugget of wisdom for all believers.

The love of most people today is contaminated by self-interest. They are more interested in what the other person can do for them than what they can do for the other person. That is not God's kind of love. God's love puts the other person first and seeks to meet their needs even if it means sacrificing for them. Others love with counterfeit faith. They are pretending to love the other person, but there is no real love in their heart. All the while, we need to have a heart that is open to God, so we hear from Him correction and instruction. That way we can have love with a good conscience before God and the other person. I pray that we will all have God's love filling our hearts so we can simply love everyone.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 2-4.

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